How to Succeed the Presentation of your CV?
Business NewsIn any job search process, the curriculum vitae is a must! Whether it is to apply for a permanent contract, a fixed-term contract, a temporary assignment or even an internship, it is necessary to submit a quality CV. Showcase your skills and your professional background. However, be aware that a recruiter spends on average and on first reading only a few seconds on a resume. Hence the importance of getting their attention quickly! We give you some tips for a successful CV presentation.
Choose a Simple Format
There are several ways to present your CV. While the video CV is more and more popular on social networks and useful for applying for an artistic job, for example, it is not suitable for all applications. Choose the classic model on an A4 sheet, and make sure it fits on a minimum of pages. To make it easier for you, use an online CV creator to find the best cv template. As a matter of fact, using a template will be a real time saver for you. Indeed, making the design and the structure yourself is a long and complicated task unless you have excellent graphic skills. In addition, you will avoid errors of taste by offering a modern and up-to-date resume.
Choose the Right Fonts and Colours
Avoid fancy fonts if you want to portray an efficient, perfectionist candidate. Instead, opt for Helvetica Neue or Century Gothic which are simple and readable. In order to remain neutral and classic, it is also possible to use Arial and Verdana fonts. Differentiate font sizes in headings and feel free to bold any important things you want to showcase. In terms of colours, this choice is above all personal. Use a sober hue for the writing. For the rest, ban the multicoloured CV and use 2 to 3 different colours to personalize your CV, but not more.
Other Tips for a Perfect CV Presentation
First of all, watch out for spelling mistakes! Have your resume proofread by someone who will be able to correct any mistakes or typos that may slip in during writing. Then, do not lie on your CV! The recruiter will have the opportunity to ask you questions about points and find the truth soon or later. Finally, adapt your CV to the job offer. Do not submit the same resume to different companies. Consider adjusting your curriculum vitae according to the position sought.